Spring cleaning, please help!
People have been working hard to prepare all the gardens for planting. The weather is co-operating. We have lots of plants arriving & need as much help as possible to get them planted!
Imagine….. We have sun in the forecast for several days which means, we will work in the rays rather that the rain this Sunday 1-4 pm. Really hope to see you there.
This last Sunday we got a big boost from 6 wonderful young people who tackled some big weedy beds. We gave them a bit of an orientation and for a rest from the weeds we headed to the Heart Labyrinth on the west side of the property and walked its paths and told the story of Pamela’s vision and dedication to the healing journey. Also our BEE partner came and with another volunteer completely and completely cleaned up the bee enclosure, creating quite a buzz as a result. And….. there was some more planting!!
There has also been work going on during the week, usually in the afternoons so if you feel like enjoying the garden and having a visit while getting your hands dirty there is always something to do.
Yesterday we had a visit from Cindy Lee from the Community Connections Program, part of Immigrant Services at Options, a local Non-profit service organization. She is involved in linking recent immigrants to the community. In particular she is working with seniors and is very excited about the Plot becoming part of their program.
Now for this Sunday…… we may get close to finishing up the bed preparation. I had to laugh yesterday, having been part of digging up hundreds of pounds of weeds these last weeks, to see new weeds coming up in the planted beds. And of course, there will be more seeds to plant. There may be more radishes to eat.
It would also be good to chat a little bit as a group to canvas ideas about how we might improve coordination, communication and any problem areas we might want to give more thought to. So keep that in mind. We also might want to identify a date for our first potluck of the year.
Looking forward to seeing anybody that is able to partake this Sunday. Enjoy the warmth of spring.