Canada Day – Create a living gallery of community creating
Help create a living walking gallery of community creating. Art in a space that was created as an Art project itself. Bring your pieces, built of natural elements, paper, fabric or what calls to you to the PLOT Sharing Garden. (We ask that creations be made of environmentally friendly materials.) Sculpt, paint, carve, fasten. Sing, dance, make music. Lets celebrate July 1 with diversity; what it means to live on this land through our art. Leave your creation for a few days OR FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON FOR ALL visitors to ENJOY!

Please email us to arrange a time during the last week of June to bring your art piece to The PLOT. The last day for submission is July 1, 2020. We ask that it does not include any valuable items as The PLOT is an open public space and does not have security.