The Newton Medicine Wheel
Feeding the Spirit
“The first thing you encounter when you arrive is the Medicine Wheel. This ancient symbol embodies the circle of life. This recognizes that the PLOT is a sacred place providing food for the spirit.”
–Vickie Cammack, social entrepreneur, Order of Canada
The Medicine Wheel is a place for personal and community healing, a place to align in right relationship with others, with all creation, and with ourselves. It mirrors the organization of the universe: the four seasons, the four elements, the four symbolic races, the four aspects of self, and the four seasons of our life.
The construction of the Medicine Wheel at the PLOT was initiated, and continues to be directed, by long time Newton resident and Cree elder Amy Eustergerling. When it was decided that a medicine wheel would be a key feature of the PLOT, the garden beds were designed to radiate from the centre of the Medicine Wheel.
Now dubbed the Newton Medicine Wheel, it has in many ways set and maintained the overall culture of the PLOT. It is used as a focus of activity, we observe the solstices and equinoxes as a timeline, holding special events on those days. We have been honoured to have enthusiastic members from several of the local aboriginal communities included as special guests, participants, teachers, and facilitators.
“In these times of great turbulence and change, I am grateful for this safe harbour that we create together, and grateful for all the helping hands both seen and unseen that tend us all with such great love, care and support. This is good medicine. A deep bow of gratitude to Our Elder Grandma Amy, for sharing the vision of creating this incredible healing and communal space.” -T.K.
“Surrey needs MORE places like this one to help the community heal in a natural, human, almost forgotten way… and yes: MUCH CHEAPER than hospital treatments and prescription drugs that don’t really attack the problem of critical isolation that, more or less we all suffer, at its core.” -V.M.
“I love the feeling here, of being connected to the earth with others.” -L.G.
“Amy’s Medicine Wheel teachings have nourished my life. Even more than the Plots organic kale has. It makes me feel happy when I feel connected to my community. And when I remember that I am part of the seasons and the great big everything” -R.D.
“I come to the Medicine Wheel to weep for two friends who are struggling with meth addiction, and are now homeless. My prayer is that, just as this place has been transformed from a garbage and needle strewn wasteland into a place of joy and beauty, so too might their lives be transformed.” -M.P.
“The healing circle has been comforting to me and has enriched my life. Thank you!” -M.S.