The ART of the PLOT
The PLOT could be considered a piece of earth art, which does not involve art objects placed on the landscape (such as sculptures in a garden), instead the earth itself is used in creation of the art. Seen from the air, the PLOT, with its three components – a medicine wheel, radiating garden beds, and a formal square of wildness – makes a visual statement, speaking to the relationship of humans and the land.
But more importantly, the PLOT is a social practice art project. A movement that started in the 1960’s, social practice art involves social interaction that itself becomes the art. Social practice art exists quite outside the museum and gallery system. Instead, it involves the active participation of people to address social change. It has included projects such as renovating and enlivening derelict row houses in Houston Texas, starting a working farm complete with sheep and chickens on vacant land between San Francisco freeways, and holding tea parties to connect people the world over. Our intention with the PLOT, was to respond to issues of land use, environmental stewardship, fundamental needs, and human connections through active community participation and sharing.
Art projects happen at the PLOT!
Project WoW
PROJECT WoW – an arts building without walls – is a devised, mixed arts, pop up project led by
“a capricious band of mixed arts devisors with a passion for natural spaces and public engagement.”
Plant a Word and Watch it Grow!
Words planted, growing hopes, wishes and dreams, left for the air, sunlight and soil to nourish.
The WEAF (Water, Earth, Air, Fire) Community Connection workshop
Creating Art with the Sun, Water, Air, and Plant-gifts from the Soil
The PLOT garden provides opportunities to engage and appreciate the four elements of Water/Earth/Air/Fire. These elements are essential for growing food and creating art. The vegetables, herbs and flowers that provide inspiration and food for thought are captured in beautiful cyanotypes.
In the second tent, Poet’s Corner, people are writing poems and recording cultural recipes made from the PLOT food.
The Sacred Sentinels
Deborah Putman and Tracie Stewart’s “Sacred Sentinels” welcome all to the Medicine Wheel. They are made of cuttings from black walnut, yellow willow, red osier dogwood and some branches are painted white to include the FOUR CARDINAL COLOURS and the FOUR TRIBES of HUMAN-KIND symbolized in the Medicine Wheel. Many hands of the PLOT volunteers enabled Deborah Putman and Tracie Stewart to create their first collaborative Natural Public Art construction, using only wood branch cuttings, sisal, pine posts and fresh cedar branches.
Identity Masks
Deborah Putman’s masks are worn in the Medicine Wheel ceremonies. She writes that “to wear a mask enables one to embody the character of it. Some indigenous cultures utilized the mask for storytelling. For example, the person wearing the “raven” mask could move like a raven taking on its presence, giving power to the tale while sensing what it is like to BE a raven. We are made from basic elements of earth, air, water and fire. I wondered how it might feel to BE the element of fire, or the earth, the lightness of air or flowing water. Could a mask help to transform and build empathic character? Could it help explore and communicate an essential level of being?”
Selfie Boxes PopUp at the PLOT
This is the age of the selfie. Artists from the Z.inc Artist Collective created a diverse set of work to explore the idea of the selfie. People were invited to participate by taking selfies with the artwork in the boxes and sharing the images on social media. Laughter abounded.
The Wishing Tree
The Wishing Tree is a form of social and healing art, where the hearts of the community are engaged as a catalyst for healing, and for social change.
Living Sculptures
Our Sod Benches are as comfy as they are fun! Plus they are organic and environmentally friendly.