
Fall Equinox Celebration Sunday September 17, noon

FALL EQUINOX Observation followed by Picnic and Activities
WHERE; At the Newton Medicine Wheel
WHAT TO BRING: lawn chair, or blanket to sit on, a snack to share, drum or rattle or music maker, water bottle. Bring a short poem or quote to share if you wish.
As part of the days events, PLAY WITH CLAY and creating a personal mandala using clay and natural materials with Jasmeen Virk.
Come early to help set up, place flowers or to just be on the land.
We acknowledge with gratitude that we live, love, and work on the unceded territory of the Kwantlen, Katzie, and Semiahmoo First Nation.

Summer Solstice Celebration Sunday June 18, Noon

WHERE: Newton Medicine Wheel in the PLOT Sharing Garden 71 AVENUE AND 137A ST Behind the Newton Ice Arena
WHAT TO BRING: ~ Poem, short quote or a song if you wish ~ Drum, rattle, music maker ~ lawn chair ~ finger food to share ~ Water to stay hydrated Please note:
This solstice observation will include a special honouring for the life and spirit of Plot and Newton community builder and leader Katheren Szabo. While she is unwell she plans to attend this living celebration of her life with her family.
We will also honour and remember our Fathers and Fathers Day

Canada Day – Create a living gallery of community creating
Help create a living walking gallery of community creating. Art in a space that was created as an Art project itself. Bring your pieces, built of natural elements, paper, fabric or what calls to you to the PLOT Sharing Garden. (We ask that creations be made of environmentally friendly materials.) Sculpt, paint, carve, fasten. Sing, dance, make music. Lets celebrate July 1 with diversity; what it means to live on this land through our art. Leave your creation for a few days OR FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON FOR ALL visitors to ENJOY!

Please email us to arrange a time during the last week of June to bring your art piece to The PLOT. The last day for submission is July 1, 2020. We ask that it does not include any valuable items as The PLOT is an open public space and does not have security.

MishMash Bash – Come together and build community – May 23, 3pm
About this Event
Mishmash Bash is our biggest event of the year at the PLOT sharing garden! Last year, this event brought together artists, musicians and crafters to celebrate the end of the growing season. We created a webpage capturing the essence of this event, you can check it out here. It was great to see our community come together and we want to continue the celebration this year regardless of the current situation. We are hosting a ‘Virtual’ Mishmash Bash this year and you are invited! We would love to have you come join the party. Let’s continue to come together and build community!
In response to COVID-19, the PLOT is continuing to grow food for our communities while following social distancing guidelines. We also started a new initiative called ‘PLOT Care Baskets’ where we aim to provide weekly fresh produce to those most impacted by this pandemic. This event is also a fundraiser to support this initiative. At the PLOT, we are not just growing food, but are also growing communities, and we do this by hosting a variety of programming to celebrate and bring everyone together.
Here are some details to help you plan:
This event will take place on Saturday, May 23rd from 3pm-5pm
See Eventbrite for tickets
The event will take place on ZOOM (we will email you the link close to the event with details on how to join)
This will be a family friendly event open to people of all ages
We have some great local artists lined up!
Leonard Pallerstein (@leonardpallerstein) is a young versatile guitarist from Vancouver, Canada. While he specializes in solo acoustic guitar he continues to play in numerous bands such as the ‘Sway’ show of Mooncoin Productions, Record high, and other high energy funk & blues bands. He is an avid busker and also a guitar instructor at the Bergthorson Academy.
Kimit/Paperwave is the co-founder of Acceleration Arts Collective and host of Terrestrial FM on Co-op Radio CFRO 100.5 FM every Friday night from 9 to midnight.
Autumn Equinox Celebration – Sunday Sept 22, noon-3
Join us for an Autumn Equinox Observation at the Newton Medicine Wheel with Cree Elder Grandma Amy and guests. Pot Luck Picnic to follow.
Come at 11:45 for smudging and settling in.
In case of rain please meet in Room # 4 at the Newton Ice Arena adjacent to the PLOT.
Drums or rattles, a quote, plate, cup, cutlery, lawn chair and something to share.
Please dress for the weather.
This is a free community family event, all are welcome. Suitable for families and folks of all ages.
Harvest Moon Drumming Circle – Sunday Sept 15, 4-5:30 pm
After the Sunday work party and the Indigenous Knowledge Plant Walk at the PLOT.
Thank you Francesca for Hosting!
MISH MASH BASH – Sat. Aug. 31, 3 pm to 9 pm
This is our big event of the year.
So come dance, play, look and listen; great stories, poems, comedy, art and music. For more information click here. A schedule will be posted soon.
*Free Public Family Event.
While this is a free event, donations will be accepted to help support future efforts with the garden. Help support us with your presence.
Reading Series 3 – Sat. Aug. 24th, 2 – 4
You are invited to this year’s third and final event of Garden Plot Reading Series. The previous two events were rewarding for both the presenters and the participants, and this time, we are looking forward to spend an afternoon outdoors with our features listening to Wanda’s stories, Kyle’s poetry, Enrico’s songs and Katheren’s poems.
Author Wanda J. Kehewin
Poet Kyle McKillop
Performer Enrico Renz
Open Mic Opener Katheren Szabo
Host Fauzia Rafique
Saturday, August 24, 2019
2 – 4 PM
Plot Sharing Garden
71st Avenue and 137A Street, North Surrey
Located behind the Newton Arena and bus exchange.
Before & After the Readings
Make free public art buttons with Friends of the Grove
This interdisciplinary reading series offers featured presenters, time for participants to ask questions and exchange views, an open mic, refreshments, and, the opportunity to be in a tent pitched in the green surroundings of a garden and medicine wheel.
Events are free, donations are welcome.
Sister organizations: Cedar Bark Poets, Friends of the Grove, Friends of the Plot, Surrey Artists Co-Op and Surrey Muse.
Garden Plot Reading Series
is a collaboration between
Plot Sharing Garden
Surrey Muse At Large (SMAL).
We are happy to have received
a grant from Vancouver Foundation (VF)in Neighbourhood Small Grants program
via Oak Avenue Neighbourhood Hub Society.
Now, seeking private donations.
To donate and for more information, send us a message:
Surrey Muse At Large (SMAL)
is a project of
Surrey Muse Arts Society
We gratefully acknowledge
that we meet on the traditional territories of
the Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem
Kwantlen, Qayqayt and Tsawwassen First Nations.