Important Changes to the PLOT
During this difficult time, The PLOT will continue to grow and share fresh produce with everyone who is in need. Because we cannot grow enough food, and because our garden may not be accessible to those impacted the most by this pandemic we have started a Care Baskets initiative to provide weekly boxes filled with delicious, fresh produce to our most vulnerable neighbours. We also have a small neighbourhood grant to purchase produce for our Free Veggie Stand every Sunday.
To comply with the social distancing guidelines and rules from our Health Authority, we ask that only one or two (maximum) people attend The PLOT at the same time. If there are two people, please ensure you stay apart for safety. Please have a look at our COVID-19 sign.
If you would like to come to the PLOT to weed, plant or grow vegetables, please email us for additional information, such as when to come, what tools to bring, what to do, what to plant, where to get seeds, and how to plant, etc.
We know that gardening in The PLOT is both healing for you and healing for our Mother Earth, and that both are needed during this difficult time. So you are all welcome, more than ever.
Social Distance Ruler by Alex Tees
The PLOT Harvest
We ask that everyone who is harvesting at the Plot, please wait until the vegetable is ready for harvest to ensure maximum production, and also please only harvest what you need for you and your family for that day, to enable us to share with more people who are in need. We are trying to include as many of our fresh vegetables in our Care Baskets as possible.
We thank you very much, in advance, for your sharing and caring!