PLOT Care Baskets
Helping Our Neighbours with Immediate Food Needs
This is a challenging time for our community. We are growing lots of beautiful organic vegetables but we cannot grow enough to meet the current needs of the community, and our garden may not be accessible to those impacted the most by this pandemic.
PLOT Care Baskets is an initiative aiming to provide weekly boxes filled with delicious, fresh produce (hearty veggies and fruits) for our neighbours who are in need. And, our friends at All Of Oils have generously offered to provide us with some 60 ml bottles of their incredible Extra Virgin Olive Oil to make these produce baskets even more fabulously delicious.
If you are in need of a produce box please email us with your name and phone number, whether the basket is for an individual or a household, and whether you are able to pick-up from the PLOT (12:30pm- 3:30pm on Saturdays). Please include your address if you will need it delivered.
Please know that due to limited capacity and resources, we are only able to provide these services to the most vulnerable in Surrey’s Newton and City Centre area. There are many local organizations that are providing amazing service during this time. You can learn more about some of them here.
If you would like to support this initiative, we are gratefully accepting food and cash donations. Please email us. We are volunteers, and 100% of your donation goes to the care baskets. Thank you for helping us support our community during these challenging times.

Thank you and best wishes from the friends of the PLOT. We will all get through this together. ?
These are some of our first deliveries.
Here are some of our second week of Care Baskets. Thank you to Studio 73 for the beautiful “We’re in this together” fused glass magnets included in the baskets! Please remember that we will be at the PLOT every Saturday from 12:30-3:30 with baskets ready for pick-up.
Week 3 of the Care Baskets — we served 25 households today!
‘Thank you so very much for the wonderful fruit and veggies I have been enjoying the last couple of weeks. I am so very grateful as I can feel my health returning and honestly it is because of the goodness you provide, and your kindness, gratitude from my heart.’ ❤️
‘The greens have been especially beneficial. I can actually feel these amazing gifts from nature and you….making me feel SO much better, and that in turn effects my family and everyone in the community.’
Week 4 of the Care Baskets — Mothers Day weekend — we served 23 households on Saturday! One delivery was to a beautiful First Nations mother of 5 beautiful children. We hope you all enjoyed the veggies, we harvested some that morning from the PLOT garden. On Sunday we made 2 emergency deliveries. One was to a beautiful senior mother who was very hungry, she had only had one small meal on Saturday and had no food in the house. These are very challenging times. We wish you all a Happy Mothers Day ?
‘I am in heaven!!! All the food is so crisp and fresh and delicious! I think about you and thank you Every Time I Eat!!! Thank you so much for your generosity of time and effort to shop and deliver to me… I am so deeply grateful for your care and friendship!’
‘Thank you for everything you do. Love and Light to everyone involved!’
Week 5 of the Care Baskets — We need to begin with an enormous THANK YOU to Calvin’s Farm Market for providing us with all the super fresh vegetables and fruits at a discounted price. It helped us serve 27 hungry households today! One household was a single mother with two young kids and her very ill senior mother. And no food in the house. Another was an emergency Sunday delivery to an injured senior who lives alone, has no food, and cannot get out. We wish we could do more, a lot more ❤️ The PLOT Bok Choy we planted back in March was ready. And the chives too. Such beautiful care baskets! And we made an extra beautiful basket of care with fresh flowers from the garden for a birthday girl today! ?
‘Wow! What a Feast I have from you! I keep making vegetable miso soup with buckwheat noodles and a variety of vegetables. I can eat it every day, I just change up the vegetables… so so delicious! This soup makes me feel so nourished.’
‘My kids enjoyed the fruits and veggies that were delivered. They love fresh fruit and veggies, they never last long, thank you very much, this definitely helps us out!’
‘Thank you for your kind and generous idea to create grocery bags for those in need. Thank you for your hard work getting all the veggies ordered and picked up, dropped off or brought to the PLOT! Beautiful service to humanity!’
Week 6 of the Care Baskets — We delivered 26 care baskets this week, thanks in part to generous cash donations by some incredibly kind members of our community, thank you so much!! Thank you also to Katheren Szabo for the beautiful cloth masks that will help keep our vulnerable recipients safe. And more big thank yous to All Of Oils for their delicious donation of olive oil, and to Studio 73 for the beautiful “We’re in this together” fused glass magnets. And thank you again to Calvin’s Farm Market for discounting all their super fresh produce for us. Together you are making our care baskets fabulous!
The demand for these care baskets is overwhelming. If you would like to help in any way, please email us. We are gratefully accepting food and cash donations, 100% of your donation will go to the care baskets. Thank you for helping us support our community during these challenging times.
‘Food insecurity can be so disabling, I am so VERY grateful for these earth angels!!!’
‘They helped me to start feeling better, I was so sick but the the two bags I got helped me get on track, feeling healthy enough to get myself going, thank you.’
Our Care Baskets carry much love – We are all in this together!
image credit: Giselle Jenereaux
Soon our Care Baskets will include more of our beautiful organic PLOT veggies!